Monday, March 26, 2007

A great shot of me and my blue-eyed husband. Photo credits go to Steve Markkanen. Thanks!
After dinner conversation at the reception.
Erik's dad and I dancing to Moonshadow by Cat Stevens.
Erik's mom and brother doing a mother-son dance.
The bride and groom fast-dancing...with my mom and dad in the background.
I think we're all dancing to Stayin' Alive by the Beegees in this photo
Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting!
More Kung Fu Fighting! Hiyaah!
Yes, the groom is still under 25, so the bride had to drive the rental car to the hotel that night!

Brunch at Le Peep the morning after the wedding. Notice that my dad traced a heart in the dew on the window.
Erik and I opening gifts during the brunch. We escaped to Ruidoso, NM later that morning!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Christmas in Omaha

Erik and I spent this Christmas together in Omaha. He had just moved into his cute little apartment just 10 minutes down the road from base. We set up a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree in the living room.
Cheek to cheek.
Erik lounging on the couch Christmas night. He doesn't know why I like this picture, but I think his expression is just adorable. However that hair is seriously out of regs, airman.
Our one hiccup during the holidays occurred on Christmas Eve. Erik and I returned from a sidetrip to Sioux Falls the afternoon of Christmas Eve, but just in time for all the grocery stores to be closed. Since Erik had just been in his new apartment for a few weeks, food was scarce in the fridge and cabinets. Our plan to have an elaborate Christmas dinner for the two of us ended up being chicken and refried beans!

Sioux Falls, SD

Erik and I visited Sioux Falls, South Dakota during my holiday visit, which is an easy 3-hour drive north of Omaha. I must say, I was quite impressed with this small city. It has a pretty little downtown and a free trolley service that takes you to Falls Park, pictured here from atop the observation tower. One of my top 10 meals of all time was in downtown Sioux Falls at a restaurant called Minerva's.

The city of Sioux Falls has done a fabulous job with the park surrounding the river and falls. Since we visited during the holidays, the park was decorated with lights and garlands. The visitor's center was even playing Christmas music out over the grounds for those strolling the sidewalks to enjoy.

That building used to be a hydro plant. Now it's a cute little cafe, where Erik and I stopped to warm up with some hot apple cider.
There's my beautiful boy sitting next to the icy river.

Taylor's Birthday at Basil

In November, a group of us went to Charleston's best Thai restaurant to celebrate the birthday of our buddy, Taylor. Robyn and I frequent Basil about once a month to partake on their chilled, unfiltered saki.

Robyn and I are getting ready to show the boys how to drink saki!
On one side of the table is John Q in front, me, Robyn, and Joe toward the back.

On the other side of the table is Doug, Taylor, and Anna and Bob toward the back.
Throwing back the saki! One ounce down...17 ounces to go!